Friday, 29 April 2016

Belgrade postscript

On the final morning of the conference, Marianne (of VOKK ) showed a remarkable video about a teenage girl called Pien, who is the youngest beekeeper in the Netherlands. Part way into making the film, Pien had been diagnosed with osteosarcoma, bone cancer. The producer suggested they stop filming but Pien insisted they continue. The result is this magical 16 minute short, Pien the Queen Bee.

The film had a particular resonance for me and my wife Hilary, who was also at the conference. I wear an enamel badge of a bumble bee on my suit lapel and people often ask me why. The answer is that it is part of the paraphernalia that the Bumblebee Conservation Trust send me every year; my daughter Bethan was a member and we keep up the subscription.  Joining the BBCT was one of the many fads of a teenage girl but it also says something about the kind of person Bethan was. I don’t suppose she knew any more about the ecology of bees than I do, but she understood that everything in nature is connected and she instinctively sided with the small against the mighty and I think she found these bumbly little creatures in their stripy fleeces fun. So I wear the badge to remember her and on the stone above the plot where her ashes are buried (like Pien, she had bone cancer), the outline of a bee is chiselled, as a tiny symbol of renewal and defiance. 

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